Monaco Vibes is a set of two paintings created by Kay Hare, a Monaco Based fine-artist. The artwork incorporating natural gemstone diamonds and gold leaf, was painted in the spring 2016.
“At the time of painting Monaco Vibes I was based in a studio overlooking Monte Carlo, which was a short walking distance away from the centre of Monaco. It was April and the Cote d’Azur was awakening quickly from the colder climate of winter. I was starting to feel more energetic and excited for the summer.
I had worked most of the winter on new paintings, during this time I committed to a yoga course at Hotel Monte Carlo Bay. This provided the perfect outdoor backdrop of Italy and combined with the fresh air made the yoga even more inspiring. I became fascinated with the chakra system which many of the teachers advocate. I started to listen to chakra enhancing, high frequency music and chants to get me into the mood to paint or sometimes whilst painting. This had a huge effect not just on my mood but also the colours in my paintings.
Monaco Vibes blossoms with red predominately, this colour is associated with the root chakra or Muladhara. This is a grounding energy located at the base of the spine. Yoga encourages our bodies to open, like flowers. There is a ongoing ancient reference to the thousand petal lotus which is located above the head. This opens doors to the divine greater cosmos that dwells in all of us. In order for this to open all the chakras have to expand and spin starting with the Muladhara.
Some postures actively encourage the root chakra to open and expand enhancing a deeper connection with Mother Earth. This Universal connection receives and taps into our core strength, not just in the body but the mind too developing greater concentration, determination and focus. If the body is feeling at optimum wellness then the mind is free of hindering or painful thoughts allowing new space for healthy, positive thoughts. Which in turn create new ideas, new situations and can change your reality.
There is a theme in my work that is particularly persistent in my drawings that represents the outline of a tree. A simple shape that keeps on surprising me, turning up in drawings, doodles and paintings. Monaco Vibes is this tree with a smile and flowering with hope and possibility. Gold leaf laces the outline of the tree providing a symbolic reference to the attachment to the core of the earth with is liquid gold.
Life is energy, a vibration. Im only interested in attracting and expanding good vibes in my physical and spiritual world. Monte Carlo is energetic, new buildings are being built, different people are forever moving here. It never stands still and seems to be always progressing with newer and better ideas. This takes money which is energy, a recent man made exchange for services, how long money will last no one knows but for now it makes our world go round.
Monte Carlo always invites a party or a quiet place to read. The sun shines and when it does rain it is a welcome gift for plants and trees. The location is perfect and accommodates the climate all year round with sking, mountain hikes or the more lazy frequent the beautiful beaches of the Cote d ‘Azur. Monaco Vibes I and II are simple reflections of a beautiful life.”
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