Imagine the following situation: you are ringing the bell in an entrance hall of a building near the
train station. A wiry, bold man opens the door and growls “bonsoir”. He is wearing a huge fleece
jacket and nothing but underpants. You're entering the apartment and he leads you into a dim
room with ropes on the walls. What would you do? Probably run!
least it was for me! I’ve done yoga for four years and with five different teachers, but I never
experienced a class like that. It is basically one hour of intense and constant stretching with the
help of ropes.
laugh because it is just so absurd. You will ask yourself why the hell you're doing that and why
you're paying to put yourself into more than unnatural positions. But when you leave the class
after the 10-minute meditation at the end you will feel like a new-born baby.
wrong. It doesn't get more spiritual than the incense, which is lid at the end. The teacher is a quiet
man who is constantly walking around in circles while you're doing your exercises. He's going to
correct you, bend you further down and most likely push your body towards its boundaries. It is
quite impressive how much further you can go into a position if someone forces you to, even
though you thought you already reached your limit.
It is specialized on Hatha Yoga and Asthanga Yoga. Both are combinations of yoga postures and
yoga breathing exercises and are supposed to bring peace into mind and body.
with regular practice. It supports the body and makes it possible to hold tiring poses like the
downward facing dog or a headstand for a longer period of time.
suitable for you. The prices could seem quite high (20€ for a single lesson or 50€ for four
lessons), but it is definitely worth it.
The first lesson is free, so give it a try!